
Find above a photographic listing of several physical locations that are of historical significance to Trail-A-Sled, Inc., and Scorpion Snowmobiles. A number of these sites are on private property, so please exercise appropriate judgement. If you know any interesting additional facts regarding any of these locations, please email information to rangewhip@gmail.com and include the subject, "Scorpion Locations".

Find below additional locations that have yet to be photographed.

HUB MANUFACTURING – To meet ever-growing production goals and improve reliability, Trail-A-Sled began switching from all-fiberglass snowmobiles to those with steel tunnels and fiberglass hoods. Hub Manufacturing (led by Leon Hubbard) was a key player in this transition as they did xyz and z. [Hub also made? Also part of a division?] The company remains active and family-owned today at 2626 Broadway St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413, (http://hubmfg.com/) GPS pending